Felciano is located in the Chianti Classico area, more precisely in the heart of the suggestive valley “Conca d’Oro”. The name “Conca d’Oro” refers to the shapes of the hills, which form a basin, once completely cultivated with wheat (golden) reflections, for this reason it is called Conca D’oro. Today the vineyards of Chianti Classico extend in this valley.
The name Felciano was formed by metathesis of the original Flecciano, that was referred in the past to the place where the farmhouse of Felciano stands today. The archaeological finds, but above all, the toponymy, testify that in the past there was a widespread presence of Roman settlements in the countryside around Panzano. The names of the places, are referred infact to Latin characters (Felciano and also Panzano themself).
Azienda Agricola Felciano
di Morelli Maurizio
Via Case Sparse, 45
50022 Panzano in Chianti (FI)
Tel. 338.212.18.04 –
[email protected]